Designers in Residence 2018: Dwelling
Explore social housing,craft,smart home devices and concepts of time with projects from new and emerging design talent.
The Designers in Residence programme at the Design Museum is a core part of the museum's activity, supporting emerging designers, from any discipline, with time and space away from their regular environment to reflect, research and consider new ways of developing their practice.
Located on the museum’s top floor, see the designers at work and find out what they are working on. Following their seven-month residency, explore the finished projects in a collective showcase of their work on display from Saturday 8 December to Wednesday 24 April.
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Project: Saccharum, Image credit: Sam Ha
Image credit: Kelly Spanou
Guillemette Legrand & Eva Jäger Image credit: Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee, 2018
2018 theme
This year the Design Museum has invited designers and architects to respond to the theme ‘dwelling’
More than ever before, our preconceptions of the home are being challenged. In the UK, the rising cost of housing has priced younger generations out of property markets and new technologies are expanding ideas of domesticity.
It’s clear that our understanding of dwelling, and the home, is shifting. It’s no longer about where we live, but about how we live. How can design respond to these challenges and how are our changing perceptions of the home influenced by design?
Explore how our concept of home is changing through four exciting and innovative design projects developed by this year’s talented cohort of designers. Transformed from a working studio into a designated exhibition space the showcase breathes new life into the museum and demonstrates the way design can respond to society in real time.
Hester Buck, a member of critical design practice Public Works uses living plants to celebrate the existence of green spaces within post war social housing.
Ella Bulley, a material futures designer creates an installation of artisanal objects that examine the relationship between expats and repats from the Ghanaian community.
Guilemette Legrand and Eva Jäger, who together form Studio Legrand Jäger design an interactive experience and spectacular performance piece that interrogates the use of the voice in smart home devices.
Dr Helga Schmid, a designer researcher and experience and communications designer uses immersive performance to deconstruct the concept of time and re-programme our body clocks.
More information on dates and timings for performance pieces to follow.
meet the residents
Hester Buck is a member of the critical design practice, public works, a not-for-profit studio set up to explore the intersection between architecture, art, performance and activism. Hester’s current research celebrates green spaces within post-war social housing estates through workshops with local communities.
Ella Bulley is a London-based designer whose practice combines traditional artisan techniques with technological innovations to transform the 'raw' into the 'refined'. Ella’s response to this year’s programme is ‘Remnants’, a project related to the objects that inhabit spaces of dwelling.
Eva Jäger and Guillemette Legrand founded Legrand Jäger, a multi-disciplinary practice committed to researching design, ethics, and technology. During their residency at the Design Museum, they will be exploring the invisible architectures of the smart home device.
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