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The Other Way: Designing A Sustainable Tomorrow
Discover some of the most innovative creative practices within sustainable design in this one-day symposium.
The Other Way symposium is organised by Maison/0 in collaboration with the Design Museum.
This symposium celebrates how creative practices across disciplines can stimulate new approaches to sustainable innovation.
Whilst socio-environmental issues are being acknowledged as key challenges for the 21st-century, there is an expectation that science and technology can, and will, resolve them. Beyond better technologies and legislation, this symposium argues that design and architecture can take centre stage in shaping a more sustainable and resilient world. By developing hybrid practices, interacting with other disciplines, or re-framing our understanding of raw materials, designers and architects can be at the forefront of sustainable innovation.
Chaired by Professor Carole Collet, CSM LVMH Director of Sustainable Innovation, this symposium will showcase cross-disciplinary creative practitioners who are exploring new, unexpected and other ways of designing and imagining our sustainable future.
Speakers include: Arne Hendricks; Guillian Graves (Big Bang Projects); Agne Kucerenkaite; Thomas Vailly; Fernando Laposse; Anouk Legendre (XTU Architecture); Phil Ayres (CITA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts); Christina Stadlbauer; Yesenia Thibault-Picazo; Sanne Visser; Kevin Germanier and Prof. Alison Clarke (Papanek Foundation).
Download the full PDF programme at the link below.
FRESH CITY by X-TU Architects
ALGO BAG by X-TU Architects
IN VIVO by X-TU Architects
WILD CITY by X-TU Architects
WOW by X-TU Architects
10:00: Registration open
10:30: Introduction, Bernard Hay (Design Museum) & Professor Carole Collet (Maison/0)
Keynote 1: The Other Way / Provocation
10:40: Arne Hendricks: The Incredible Shrinking Man.
11:10: Keynote Q&A
Panel 1: The Other Way / Products and modes of production
11:20: Guillian Graves, Big Bang projects (Industrial design and biodesign)
11:40: Agne Kucerenkaite (Ceramics)
12:00: Thomas Vailly (Product design)
12:20: Fernando Laposse (Product design)
12:40: Panel Q&A
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
Panel 2: The Other Way / Architecture and sustainable cities
14:00: Anouk Legendre, XTU Architecture (Architecture)
14:20: Phil Ayres, CITA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (Architecture research)
Panel 3: The Other Way / Shifting material narratives and cultural mindsets
14:40: Christina Stadlbauer (Artistic Practice)
15:00: Yesenia Thibault-Picazo (Material Teller)
15:20: Panel 2 & 3 Q&A
15:40 – 16:00: Break
Panel 4: The Other Way / Fashion and Waste
16:00: Sanne Visser (Material Design)
16:20: Kevin Germanier (Fashion Design)
16:40: Panel Q&A
Keynote 2: Designing A Sustainable Tomorrow
16:50: Professor Alison Clarke, founding director of the Papanek Foundation, Chair of the design history and theory department, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
17:20: Keynote Q&A
17:30 – 17:45: Closing Remarks
In collaboration with
Image: Sunflower-encyclopedia-STV-protein by Thomas Vailly
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