Graphic Design in Party Politics

Join American graphic designer and partner at Pentagram, Michael Bierut for a talk on graphic design in mainstream politics.

What to expect

Design has played a critical role in shaping the major elections of the last few years (Brexit, Trump, Cataluña etc.). From campaign billboards, placards and cartoons, to logos, t-shirts and now animated gifs, visual communication is transforming political campaigns and having a profound impact on voting.

American graphic designer Michael Bierut - designer of Hillary Clinton's US presidential campaign logo - will discuss diverse design strategies used by mainstream political parties to communicate messages and motivate action.

This event is part of a series of talks delivered in partnership with the Guardian.

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Democratic National Committee, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Bus, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Battle Born, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Flag, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit:Hilary Clinton logo, Ralley Roosevelt Island, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Landscape logo, Courtesy Pentagram

Image credit: Hilary Clinton Landscape logo, Courtesy Pentagram

Book now

Adult: £12
Student/Concession: £8
Members: £9


Michael Bierut

Michael Bierut is a partner in the New York office of the international design consultancy Pentagram, where his work includes brand identity, book design, packaging, and environmental graphics. Michael is on the faculty of the Yale School of Management and a senior critic in graphic design at the Yale School of Art. His collection of new essays, Now You See It, was published in 2017.


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Background image: Hilary Clinton Flag logo, Courtesy Pentagram