Further Education Tutors

Continuing Professional Development for FE Tutors connects the latest design thinking with best practice in vocational education.

What's on offer?

Afternoon and full-day courses for Further Education tutors are related to key vocational Level 3 qualifications in art, design and related subjects. Tutor courses are developed in collaboration with leaders from vocational education and industry experts as well as innovators in design practice. Not only extending educators’ professional networks, and stimulating new ideas, the CPD programme also supports tutors to identify new opportunities to use the museum as a primary research resource with their students.

What do the tutors say?

'The Teachers CPD was superb and meant that I felt prepared to help the students get the most out of the museum' - FE Tutor

Get in touch

For more information, contact the Learning team on +44 (0)20 7940 8782.