Superfan Season Ticket Holders
Everything that Superfan Season Ticket holders need to know!
your digital ticket
Please allow us a few days to share with you your unique Superfan Season Ticket. In the meantime, to access your benefits, please share your purchase email confirmation with the Visitor Experience and Retail teams at the museum.
Football Season Ticket Holders can access the Football: Designing the Beautiful Game exhibition for free with one guest and up to 3 children (6-15 years old) unlimited times
Get your 10% discount in the Design Museum shops
Request a season ticket holder pass
If you have not received your Season Ticket Pass yet, please check your ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folders before contacting us. If the email with your pass is not in your inbox, please contact the team and we will send it as soon as possible. In the meantime, to access your benefits, please share your order confirmation email with the Visitor Experience and Retail teams at the museum. This will be essential to track your Superfan Season Ticket status.
football events
Tickets for Superfan Season Tickets holders can be found in the BOOK NOW link of the related event.
The discounted ticket will be listed as "Superfan Season Ticket".
Please use your unique ID when booking.
design camp
Join us and learn how to design a lino printed poster inspired by the vintage collection in our football exhibition.
Suitable for young people at secondary school, aged 11-14.
Panel Discussion
Join this conversation between titans of stadium design Populous and Zaha Hadid Architects and thinkers exploring how the fan experience of the beautiful game is shaped by their surroundings.
adult workshop
Join this football inspired hands-on workshop to design and print your own vintage poster working with traditional lino cutting techniques.
football shop range
As a Superfan Season Ticket holder you enjoy 10% off on Football products.
Create an account using contact details and email associated with the Superfan Season Ticket.
Once logged in, prices will be automatically discounted.
If you are encountering problems with discount on football products, please e-mail .
The 10% discount does not apply to sale items.
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