Designers: Yves Béhar, fuseproject for Dr Harvey Karp’s Happiest Baby Product category

SNOO Smart Sleeper

The world’s safest baby bed, SNOO Smart Sleeper is a mechanised bassinet that prevents dangerous rolling, calms crying and enhances a baby's sleep…at the push of a button.

In the first year of a child’s life, it is estimated that parents lose an average of 1,000 hours of sleep. Ninety per cent describe themselves as tired or exhausted, and fifty per cent sleep only four to six hours a night.Fuseproject are tackling the issue with the SNOO Smart Sleeper.

Happiest Baby sideview

Meet the designer

Yves Behar shares his design story, motivations, obstacles and future plans for SNOO Smart Sleeper in this interview with the Design Museum.

Product nominees


This category includes furniture, unique and mass produced items including lighting, technology, homewares and healthcare.

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Beazley Designs of the Year

This exhibition comprises 62 nominations across six categories: Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Graphics, Product and Transport. The exhibition and awards showcases some of the most original and exciting products, concepts and designers in the world today.