Designers: Thomas Gemperle, Adrien Weber, Naomi Stieger, Stella Mühlhaus, Bernhard Winter, Pascal Buholzer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Zurich University of the Arts Transport category


A stairclimbing mobility device, enabling wheelchair users to reach locations that were previously inaccessible.

Using a retractable set of rubber tracks, the wheelchair can safely and smoothly travel both up and down stairs. An extra pair of wheels at the rear of the chair allows users to raise the chair up so that they can engage with others at eye level.




Transport nominees


This completes the last of the six categories, which touches on smart transport designs that explore self-driving, 3D printing, electric and energy efficient themes.

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Beazley Designs of the Year

This exhibition comprises 62 nominations across six categories: Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Graphics, Product and Transport. The exhibition and awards showcases some of the most original and exciting products, concepts and designers in the world today.

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