Designers: IC4DESIGN with DDB Dubai for UN Women Egypt Graphics category

Finding Her

A campaign designed to draw attention to the lack of women in Egyptian male-dominated industries: politics, science and technology. Finding Her mimics the maddeningly labyrinthine scenes of Where’s Wally? Rather than searching for the red-and white striped Wally, Finding Her asks readers to seek out a lone woman among crowds of male workers.

Image credits | High Tech close‐up illustrations, IC4DESIGN

Graphics nominees


A year of political unrest has proven to be a strong theme for this category, including the creation of a Refugee Nation Flag designed for the first ever Olympic refugee team.

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Beazley Designs of the Year

This exhibition comprises 62 nominations across six categories: Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Graphics, Product and Transport. The exhibition and awards showcases some of the most original and exciting products, concepts and designers in the world today.

Background image | Politics Illustrations, IC4DESIGN