Designers: Donn Holohan with students from the University of Hong Kong and Peitian Community Craftsmen Architecture Category

Wind and Rain Bridge

Situated on the outskirts of an isolated region of southern China, which was dislocated after a major flooding in 2014; this bridge is a interlocking timber structure constructed without the use of mechanical fasteners.

Wind and Rain Bridge by Donn Holohan, The University of Hong Kong

Wind and Rain Bridge by Donn Holohan, The University of Hong Kong

Architecture nominees


This category features some of the most established new buildings, including Serpentine Pavilion designer Francis Kéré’s Lycée Schorge Secondary School, built from local sourced materials.

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Beazley Designs of the Year

This exhibition comprises 62 nominations across six categories: Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Graphics, Product and Transport. The exhibition and awards showcases some of the most original and exciting products, concepts and designers in the world today.

Background image | Wind and Rain Bridge by Donn Holohan, The University of Hong Kong