Digital Design Calendar

Discover a new series of online content bringing the world of design into your home.


What to expect

There is no reason why self-isolating should mean missing out on the many inspirations design can offer and how it can make a difference in our lives.

Brush up on your design history, virtually visit the studios of leading designers and join learning sessions for all ages.

'During this crisis we want to share with our audiences a time of experimentation, reflection and understanding and hopefully to find some solace in the optimism of design.'
Josephine Chanter, Director of Audiences

The programme


Join the museum’s Director, Tim Marlow in conversation with a wide range of familiar faces from the world of design, fashion and architecture.

Young Design Museum

Whether you are home-schooling, or simply after some creative fun to fill the afternoon, check out the museum’s family and school resources and bring design to life.

Learn with the Design Museum

Upskill with free learning sessions for adults including fashion starter packs and lunch time sketching with leading architects.

Into the Archive

Go behind the scenes of the museum’s exhibitions, past, present and future and get insights into what’s going on across the design world.