Please note: The museum will be closed to the public on Thursday 16 May 2024 all day

Key Stages 3-5 Free Activity

Lesson Plan: Make a poster during lockdown

In 2008, graphic designer Shepherd Fairey used a simple design of presidential candidate Barack Obama along with the word ‘Hope’. Shepherd sold the posters outside Obama’s rallies to his supporters. Soon Shepherd was printing more posters and Obama became aware of the design.

The image has had such a huge impact that it’s been copied, parodied and used to represent political campaigning across the world.

Watch graphic designer Lucienne Roberts talk about Shepherd Fairey’s Obama ‘Hope’ poster in the Design Museum film.

Things to do

What posters have you seen in people’s windows? Have you seen any posters celebrating key workers like the NHS? Have you made any posters to give people hope during lockdown?

Design a poster to give your ‘Hope’ message during lockdown. What do you hope for during or after lockdown? It could be about something that you’re looking forward to doing again or maybe a message of encouragement for people who might be finding lockdown tough.

Pick three colours that make you happy. There could be a special reason for picking those colours or it could just be that they cheer you up when you’re down. Draw your design and use as few words as possible to make it easy to read and memorable.

Share your illustration with the Design Museum on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #DesignFromHome.

To read

Meet the Designer: Charlee Sully

What does a graphic designer do? Read about Charlie Sully and her work in the world of graphic design.

Young Design Museum

Young Design Museum

See what other activities are available for young people as part of the museum's Digital Design Calendar.