Designers: DixonBaxi Digital Category

Premier League on-air branding

A global TV experience for Premier League, designing show titles, infographics and a motion graphics system inspired by the movement of the game. Designed to work across both broadcast and digital platforms, the branding has a distinctive information design aesthetic inspired by video-games.

DixonBaxi, Premier League, pre-match graphics head-to-head line-ups

DixonBaxi, Premier League. Title sequence still frame taken from Football Today opening sequence featuring quotes and portraits

DixonBaxi, Premier League, Promo kit tune in still frame

DixonBaxi, Premier League In-Game-Graphic Lower third, branded permanent clock

Digital nominees


A wide ranging category that ranges from a text message service for refugees to the global sensation, Pokémon Go.

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Beazley Designs of the Year

This exhibition comprises 62 nominations across six categories: Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Graphics, Product and Transport. The exhibition and awards showcases some of the most original and exciting products, concepts and designers in the world today.

Background image | DixonBaxi, Premier League permanent clock design blueprint detailing logo team tri-codes scores and time elapsed